
Stephen Colbert's Hometown Hospitality With Senator Elizabeth Warren [VIDEO]

Targetpractice2/27/2020 10:15:11 am PST

re: #560 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

And then you find out the following:
1. Flippy’s maintenance personnel can’t be paid minimum wage.
2. If Flippy breaks during lunch hour you’re SOL - since you have no spare staff to
pick up the slack. (And possibly untrained on the equipment.)

3. If Flippy is not properly maintained I presume you get undercooked* and overcooked food.

* - And this possibly leading to some very nice lawsuits or very unhappy health inspectors.

That’s assuming that “Flippy” can just be pushed to the side and a manager (places that choose to automate tend to be understaffed) take over the fry station until a maintenance crew can come in and get “Flippy” working again. It’s more likely that “Flippy” is bolted to the floor and so that manager either will have to work around it (increasing the odds of injury) or that station will be effectively shutdown until somebody can come out to fix the problem.

And since maintenance in the service industry is usually a low priority (companies try to save more money by expecting workers to handle the “routine” stuff), you can expect “Flippy” to be down rather often by the first anniversary as computers and robotics alike are not overly tolerant of poor maintenance.