
Alabama Gov. Bentley Signs Another Extreme Anti-Abortion Law

Fat Bastard Vegetarian6/15/2011 6:32:58 pm PDT

re: #6 ggt

I don’t know, I see it as something deeper.

There are those that fear the “white” man is going to be bred to extinction (or at least to the point of being a minority)

Honestly? I’ve always thought that the Abortion issue and the issue of Gay Marriage would bring more African Americans to the right.

Middle-class African Americans are pretty dang socially conservative.

The nutjob Right is too fucking stupid to know how to take advantage of that issue. So they draw pictures of monkeys to entertain themselves; alienating that potential membership that would have made them more successful.

I’m a fiscal conservative; but *gasp* socially kinda liberal rightie and am so pissed off about this that I can’t see straight.

But; I’m not bitter. No. Not me.