
Overnight Video: Embrace

austin_blue8/04/2012 10:39:10 pm PDT

re: #7 freetoken

Here we have a fresh, new, clean and shiny thread… and I’m going to soil it with a discussion of racists…

Everybody remember the article by Ron Unz a few days ago, for which he got much recognition and credit in some circles, in which he argued that a nation’s “wealth” (a commonly used term but not thoroughly investigated) was not dependent upon IQ but rather that results on IQ tests are more driven by the environment of that nation?

Anyway, the racists/racialists/race-realists are striking back. I won’t link to the sites, but I will note that the author (Lynn) of the book which Unz referenced posted his reply on both VDARE and American Renaissance.

Lynn commits several errors (not the least of which are his choice in friends), first by referencing antiquated understandings of “Europeans”, then by referencing a new paper (to be published in one of the many Elsevier for-profit journals) that itself is quite questionable, purportedly showing the ability to differentiate “intelligence” among different European Y haplogroups, and so forth.

This is all … well, it’s the equivalent of WTFUWT to real climatology.

It would take quite a write-up to discuss why these supposedly genetic differences aren’t really there (hint: they are based only on the Y chromosome, and also have correlations much too low compared to hard science requirements for showing causality).

Anyway, the exploitation of genetics and genomics to further racism is well under way. And Ron Unz probably isn’t going to be able to do much to stop it, and given his own inclinations is probably unlikely to take the steps required to fight it in “conservatism”, whatever that term comes to mean in the next few years.

I see a lot of equivalence between the folks using genomics to promote racism and the folks back in the early 1900’s using skull metrics. It’s total bullshit. And “Conservatives” (whatever that means in this context) are of course going to embrace it.

It appears to be an “us and them” world, and the Cons are embracing it. Those of us who believe it’s an “us” world are , of course, loonies.
