
America 2.0

Aligarr12/11/2012 7:04:22 am PST

Socialist is a flexible selective term . True socialism , the kind that all the wingnuts are paranoid about , is based mainly in their hatred of Obama,and their obvious misuse of the term . There is public education , Depts of health , education and welfare , public roadways and libraries , Bureau of Federal Standards etc . In many things we are already ” socialists ” . Oh but the right doesn’t mean “that kind of socialists or socialism” , the kind they intend to tag the left with [ANYONE who’s not on the right ]is the Soviet Socialist type , a.k.a. COMMUNIST -Soviet style , those godless rulers of ” The State ” which superceeds ALL the notions of religion and humanity . This is all meant to keep the scared old whitemen in their agitated and incited paranoid state of mind .