

RogueOne1/15/2010 5:26:59 am PST

Lieberman continues to beat down Reid. The best thing that could happen to the dems would be for Reid to retire to “spend more time with his family”.

Harry Reid can’t get past Joe Lieberman flap

Harry Reid put out a polite 34-word statement about Joe Lieberman on Thursday in the hopes of quelling the controversy over a report that Reid had accused Lieberman of double-crossing him on health care.

But Lieberman had other ideas.

Forty minutes after Reid’s e-mail hit reporters’ inboxes, Lieberman blasted out a message of his own. While Reid had said only that he enjoyed an “open and honest” relationship with Lieberman, the Connecticut independent went further — claiming that Reid had denied a New York Times account of a private conversation in which Reid allegedly accused Lieberman of betrayal.

But Reid’s staff has neither confirmed nor denied the Times’s account, despite requests for comment by POLITICO.