
Lord Monckton the Birther: Support Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Congressional Investigation

jamesfirecat11/03/2014 11:31:18 am PST

re: #110 walkingdeadhead

I’ll refer you (notice how I’m not the one who engages in name calling here” to two books: John Funds “Stealing Elections” and Christian Adams “Injustice”. There’s a whole host of methods the left employes for their ends. One of them, send out absentee ballots to people who never asked for them. Then, send a Democratic operative out to where the absentee ballot arrived and “help” them fill out the ballot. Many times, they don’t even do that, they just swipe the ballot and fill it out themselves. Of course Eric Holder is not concerned about this, nor is he concerned about the over one million registered voters, according to an Old Dominion Survey, who are not citizens, they nearly all favor Democrats and its not in his interest to dos.

For the benefit of those of us who don’t own those books can you link to copies of them online or site some of the relevant passages about the how they came to these particular conclusions? (Studies, arrests, trials…)