
A Song That's Lost None of Its Power: Peter Gabriel, "Red Rain"

lawhawk12/29/2015 7:11:45 am PST

re: #115 No Country For Old Haters

WND (do not linked) used a polling outfit I’ve never heard of to produce the results. No idea what the metrics used, the question methodologies, or anything else that a typical polling outfit would use.

The results are from a new WND/Clout poll by Clout Research, a national opinion research firm in Columbus, Ohio. The telephone survey of registered voters was taken Dec. 18-27, except for the holiday, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.35 percentage points.

Only Dr. Ben Carson pulled more support from the black community than Trump, at 50 percent, and no one had more support from Hispanics than Trump. Among Asians, 37.5 percent supported Sen. Marco Rubio, with Sen. Ted Cruz matching Trump’s 18.8 percent.

Among whites, Trump was far and away the leader, with 37.7 percent of the respondents. Cruz was second at 25.1 percent.

The rankings put Trump in the No. 1 slot, Cruz second at 23.3 percent, Rubio third at 10.1, Carson fourth at 9.4 percent, and Jeb Bush fifth at six percent.

No mention of how many people surveyed (though with that moe, we’re probably talking 700-1000 people). Thing is, the way the poll is reported, it could be that they’re reporting on those minorities who are GOP, which is a minority of all minorities. We’re talking such a small segment, that it’s hard to take anything away other than a catchy headline by a nutbar outfit that probably ran a push poll to get these results.