
Sunday Morning Suction Feeding

karmic_inquisitor11/08/2009 12:33:41 pm PST

re: #92 dugmartsch

That’s because Ned Lamont is a reasonable person you can have an actual conversation with and generally behaves in a reasonable way.

The Tea Partiers have absolutely nothing in common with that sane though very lefterly guy.

If the tea partier’s were agitating for Barry Goldwater or someone like him, I would completely understand. That voice is not currently represented in American Politics and I believe it is sorely missed. They are not. They’re full of anger and hate and looking for any crazy outlet to channel it through. I don’t even think Tesla could tame that kind of crazy energy source.

Ball lightning? No problem

Tea Party crazy? Radioactive.

Well, nothing like dehumanizing those you oppose.

(That used to be a retort that progressives used, btw).