
Depressingly Familiar Tactic Watch

BigPapa7/25/2010 12:16:29 pm PDT

re: #112 Nimed

And I don’t know how anyone can honestly think that Rev. Wright’s story was hushed up. I watched that “God damn America! Chickens are coming home to roost!” clip until my eyes bled.

I don’t think it was hushed up: some media streams didn’t pay much attention at all, but Fox championed it by running it front page. At that point in time I think the other streams weren’t paying attention to a viable story: Fox countered it by making it a huge story. It evened out, sloppy as the situation was. Ideal, no.

This supports what I perceive to be RTC’s point: Fox has it’s place. As ugly and sloppy as Fox is, it has it’s use. The good part is that Fox gets a lot of criticism, the bad part is that some will never listen to it.