
Video: Melvin the Machine

Mr Pancakes7/01/2011 9:07:41 pm PDT

re: #112 negativ

I haven’t the foggiest what a “Breck Boy” is, but I gather the reference is intended to be derogatory. The “uniform thing” is a drum major’s uniform, the connotations of which should be obvious, but apparently are not. It is evocative of Texas’ near-religious reverence for high school and college football, and the attendant second-class citizenship apportioned to the members of the marching band. It’s a Texas thang baby… you wouldn’t understand.

Blah blah blah. Anyway, accusing Eric Johnson of lacking soulfulness is evidence of not having actually listened to any of his music.


Dude no offense…… Steve is right….. the guy is technically polished, not an in your face rocker. That doesn’t mean he sucks, he’s actually very good, just not Steve’s cup of tea.