
When It Pays to Talk to Terrorists

researchok9/05/2012 1:10:34 pm PDT

re: #119 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter

That the Palestinian economy is a failed enterprise is not the issue. That the leadership (as is most of the Arab world and Iran) are example of spectacular dysfunction is.

They are in power, they have access to huge sums of money and they use their power and money to pursue their stated racist, bigoted band genocidal goals. That cannot be swept away.

In the end, the biggest victims of Arab dysfunction are the Arabs themselves.

They have been cheated out of a future by vicious and dysfunctional tyrants. And as expected, those tyrants are supported by yet other dysfunctional people who support and apologize for the tyrants.

Like the dysfunctional leaders, they could care less about the Arabs who are suffering.

Witness the obsession with Israel- even as Assad and his supporters are butchering tens of thousands in Syria.

And that even doesn’t begin to cover the dysfunction in Iran underwriting the whole thing.