
The Republican Road to Recovery

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/26/2009 7:26:59 pm PDT

re: #74 alegrias

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MEA CULPAS and self flagellation are not useful to reverse the major damage Democrats are inflicting on the current & future economy. McCain been there & done that for us. “We came to Washington to change Washington and Washington changed us” bla bla bla. THAT message didn’t exactly inspire voters.

Obama’s budgets were written by the democrats controlling Congress since 2006, and what democrats have done is ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE greater than what some porky Republicans got in earmarks or agreed to spend on ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMs many Americans demanded.

On the contrary. They need to convince me that they will do any better than the Dems economically. I am not interested in debating the origins of the current crisis. There is more than enough blame to go around. However, I can not forget that the GOP had eight years at the helm - where they did nothing to fix things either, and their giant porhulus bill was even less better managed than this one. During those eight years, rather than being tax and spend dems they were simply spend and spend Reps, and no where in there was anything approaching the fiscal savvy that they are now claiming.

Let me be clear. I don’t trust them at all. America in general does not trust them at all. They need to show that they are something different from both their own failed past and the Dems.