
Some thoughts on 'sex by surprise'

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/07/2010 8:40:50 pm PST

re: #118 Obdicut

Gigolo has a generally positive meaning. Definitely not nearly as negative as whore.

For me they are the same. Perhaps my problem here is that I really do think of men and women are equal and I really do not excuse bad behavior in one, but not the other.

The words aren’t equivalent, because the sexual status of men and women in our society isn’t equivalent.

You have scored a point. I shall have to meditate on that.

Sure. But it’s got nothing to do with sex in particular. It’s just manipulation. They try to get you through a lust for violence too, and a desire to belong to the ‘in’ group.

Those things are offensive too. However, I am surely not the first man to notice a woman he does not like trying to manipulate him sexually become repulsed and even insulted.