
Andy McKee: Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Killgore Trout3/03/2011 5:29:41 pm PST

Crazy Pam on the DC anti-sharia protest….

As predicted, the “anti-sharia” rally was nothing more than a freak show, and reflects poorly on the good and righteous souls fighting a very real enemy here in America.

TPMMuckracker was there with this report. The video is awful. It’s as if these people are trying to sabatoge our cause. Very bad. This is what not to do, and not what we do. Of course the enemedia will insinuate that Robert Spencer and I are part of this. We are not. We had nothing to do with it, and I counseled readers and friends not to attend.

As for the lone Muslim who decided to get into middle of it and pray, well, that seems somewhat provocative. But in the video, he appears noble, courageous, pious, harmless and righteous. And the “anti-sharia” agitators appear menacing, boorish and hostile. Very badly done. This is not SIOA or AFDI. In every demonstration we are in involved in, our people are focused on defending good, American values and conduct themselves with dignity and respect (infiltrators and plants not included).

She makes no mention of the ugly display in California that she was responsible for.