
Craziest Wingnut Rant of the Day: Jerome Corsi: 'Was Obama Married Before He Was Married?'

SanFranciscoZionist8/09/2012 8:47:49 pm PDT

re: #35 freetoken

Heh… I had a Pakistani roommate in college once, too, for a term.

My BFF from high school had a Pakistani roommate her first year in college. There was no chance of them getting gay-married. This girl was kind of a problem.

Rich, rich family, going slightly berserk in the decadent atmosphere of South Hadley, Massachusetts. She threw stuff at T., told her that she was allowed to beat the servants at home, and would go out to frat parties, get drunk, and then come back and try to convert T. to Islam at three in the morning, because she felt chatty.

I thought that putting her with the sweet Chinese-American girl from California was a bad idea. What she needed was a debutante from an oooold New England family. She would have gotten slapped down and hard. T. is too nice. Always has been.

Apparently Obama did much better with his Pakistani roommate, I mean if they got hitched and all.