
Rep. Gohmert Drops Health Coverage, Blames Obamacare

Justanotherhuman1/22/2014 7:26:08 am PST

re: #115 simoom

That New Yorker interview includes a fascinating bit of slight of hand by Mayer. So an encrypted IM chat with maybe-Snowden falls into your lap. It occurs to you to ask him about the HK Russian consulate claims, but for that one question, you make a bizarre editorial decision and ask it to a lawyer at the ACLU instead???

You then fail to follow up Wizner’s statement with some of those media attempts to confirm the Kommersant story? For example:

And this is such bullshit, because we know he got help from Greenwald and Poitras, too.

“Snowden, in a rare interview that he conducted by encrypted means from Moscow, denied the allegations outright, stressing that he “clearly and unambiguously acted alone, with no assistance from anyone, much less a government.” He added, “It won’t stick…. Because it’s clearly false, and the American people are smarter than politicians think they are.”

Gawd, what a narcissistic little libertarian twat.