
Mike Huckabee Pulls the Duggar Family's Endorsements From His Campaign Site

Targetpractice6/04/2015 11:23:55 am PDT

In Republican hypocrisy news…

Last week, Bridget Anne Kelly’s attorney, Michael Critchley, filed a request with the presiding judge to be given the power to subpoena Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher. That’s the law firm Christie hired last January - at public expense - to investigate his administration and produce the so-called “Mastro Report” that exonerated him from any culpability in both Bridgegate and allegations leveled against him by the Mayor of Hoboken relating to Hurricane Sandy relief aid.

Critchley wants to look at the work product - interview transcripts, notes, and so forth - to see what people actually said and whether they square with the final report. Only one problem: Gibson Dunn told Critchley those notes and other work product don’t exist.

And you can bet that, just like the secret email router Scotty’s staff was running or the email server Jeb took home with him, the wingnuts will also forget this story in order to keep pushing “Emailghazigate.”