
Seth Meyers on Rudy Giuliani's Latest Meltdown [VIDEO]

piratedan1/17/2019 10:11:40 pm PST

everyone has to remember the differences between Watergate and the Trump Treason Tales… back in Nixon’s time, the party was not in lockstep with the President, hence they could be mortified by Nixon’s crimes….

Fast forward to today, we already know that dark money dropped a whole lotta cash into the campaign coffers of McConnell, Rubio, Paul and Graham (that we know about)… now examining the deeper parts of the GOP bench, say for example that the Dems and Indies vote in unison to be 47, and it takes 60 to convict, can you find 13 Senators that would leave their party in the best interests of their country?

That’s even taking it under advisement that McConnell would even entertain putting it out there for discussion?

I can give you perhaps Murkowski, anyone else? with ethics? a spine? Is there anyone over there who isn’t tainted? Anyone who would challenge McConnell for Sen Maj Leader?

Maybe you can peel off some of the folks up in 2020, but based on their behavior thus far, I would have a hard time seeing it….

Now if Mueller has the goods on McConnell, then the whole sad sorry affair goes up in smoke and if they’ve done what we think they’ve done, well, life in prison is possibly too kind for that kind of betrayal….