
Video: Reinstated Bishop a Holocaust Denier - Update: Also a Truther

jill e1/26/2009 7:51:20 am PST

re: #1233

Pelosi and Biden should not be receiving communion, and I sent a message to the Council of Bishops asking that they refuse communion to Catholic members of Congress whose publicly support abortion, birth control etc.

I see your point that he was never a bishop, but he is indeed in the news and seen as a member of the Catholic clergy and as such, his words have power. I’m not at all convinced that he “repented” of the actions that got him ex-communicated to begin with.

I really don’t like this man at all. But I do not and can not know the state of his soul. A believing Catholic who is excommunicated is essentially spiritually dead. This man is a modern day Prodigal Son. None of us are privvy to what he has recanted. We’re all assuming he’s the same hate-filled, nonsense spewing person he was before. I think Daisy said it earlier that this is an act of mercy. It’s just too bad that this is being used as another opportunity to do the same to the Catholic Church. I’m officially done on this thread! Thanks to anyone who listened!