
David Brooks Smells Something Funny

avanti3/04/2009 9:49:41 am PST

re: #48 Occasional Reader

A question: That youtube vid someone linked to yesterday of Obama allegedly reading from Dreams From My Father (I think) and saying “white peoples’ greed runs a world in need”… authentic?

“Misrepresenting Obama’s audiobook, Hannity claimed Obama said, “White folks’ greed runs a world in need”

Summary: On his radio show, Sean Hannity falsely asserted that Sen. Barack Obama had “openly complained about ‘white folks’ greed.’ ” Hannity played a clip from the audiobook version of Obama’s memoir in which Obama says, “White folks’ greed runs a world in need.” However, the clip is taken from a passage in which Obama is quoting from a sermon by Rev. Jeremiah Wright. In fact, Hannity himself acknowledged as much on Hannity & Colmes in March, saying, “Even the ‘Audacity of Hope’ speech or sermon had, you know, ‘white greed’ in there.”