
World Net Daily Publisher Calls for Theocracy

Gus11/24/2009 10:33:41 pm PST

re: #116 borgcube

The homos! The homos! Run for the hills!

OK, I saw the Adam Lambert video from the American Music Awards, but the pop trash canned synthesized crap spewing out passing as art in today’s music scene was a lot scarier to me than his idiotic sexual “choreography” to say the least.

Lightening bolts are a comin’ from the heavens! But they ain’t being thrown by some dude on a throne sitting on a cloud, they’re coming courtesy of Philip Rivers!

Adam Lambert? Oh come on. Now what normal heterosexual male hasn’t simulated gay sex at a bachelor party or two or twelve?

//Maybe he’s the gay Elvis. Considering the ruckus he caused when he hit the scene. He kind of looks like Elvis.