
J. D. Hayworth: I Am Schtoopid

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/15/2010 11:17:48 am PDT

re: #110 marjoriemoon

You’re also a woman. Sexual deviance seems to be a guy thing as a opposed to a gal thing. Not that women don’t engage, it’s just not usual. Although wasn’t there a story last year about a woman who married a dolphin? Something like that. But generally, we aren’t wired the same.

However, what Hayworth and his buddies are trying to do is make homosexual behavior as deviant as it could possibly be. Plant the idea. If you let gays married, the next thing you know, we’ll be screwing dogs in the street. See how that works? A + B = Z

Nah, trust me there are just as many shall we say “kinky” gals as guys. I will grant that women tend to express it differently, but sexual dysfunction is not limited to one gender.

To be very specific, and I apologize for the example, many women have figured out that dogs like peanut butter and will lick pretty much anything covered with it clean.