
Tancredo: Obama is a Worse Threat Than the Soviet Union Or Al Qaeda

McSpiff7/09/2010 12:11:24 pm PDT

re: #116 alexknyc

My girlfriend’s 19 year old niece just finished her freshman year of college. She has some fascinating ideas about how to spend other people’s money.

How many of those ideas will survive when “other people’s money” turns into “holy shit, they’re taking 1/3 of my paycheck before it even gets to me?”

It’s not just age… it’s all the things that come with not being responsible for yourself financially yet.

Walter is someone who’s had a harder time getting a job in his main field due at least partially to his age (at least that’s been my reading of it). If he (or you, or anyone else) feels that someone not financially independent will have certain incorrect views based on that, fine. But to base the validity of an argument off the age of the person making it is the exact same discrimination as not hiring someone based on age. Its both ageism, and its both wrong.

I know 16 year olds that are financially independent and I know 50 year olds who aren’t. Has absolutely nothing to do with age.