
Overnight Hopen Thread

eschew_obfuscation1/21/2009 8:18:25 am PST

re: #1203 albusteve

I’m affraid the donks just blew that concept away…think Kennedy and Franken…these are dire times when fantasy indeed becomes reality for the power brokers….the precedent has been set now…it’s all American Idoltry…

I strongly suspect we’re at one end of the pendulum’s swing.

This idol worship can’t last. People will not get what they want …. it’s not possible for Obama to do everything he’s promised and the democrats in congress will continue to be dysfunctional.

Many of the dems are already honco’d off at Pelosi for writing the whole bailout bill without their input.

When the dems don’t have republicans to fight, they’ll eat their own.

They’ll do some damage in the coming years, but people will tire of “Hope and Change” when they find that it’s just more of the same ‘ol, same ‘ol.

Remember Jimmah? Many here have compared Obama to him. We got Reagan after that.

Here’s hoping (for change).