
Luca Stricagnoli Covers Eminem on Solo Acoustic Guitar and It Is Good: "Lose Yourself"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/02/2019 1:59:57 am PDT

Posted five hours ago to my regional newspaper:

Nebraska and Iowa officials cheer possibility of trade deal with Japan (Goes to the Scottsbluff, Nebr. Star-Herald, more at the link).

That’s because said officials are fools to believe anything Trump says about great trade deals.

Midlands officials’ reactions to news of a possible trade deal with Japan on beef and other products:

Weasel word: Possible.

No, it’s not possible. My newspaper’s pro-Trump conservative lean continues to gaslight residents of the Nebraska Panhandle and SE Wyoming.

The only reason I subscribe to it at all is local news coverage. For that, I’m considering dropping my subscription and only retaining my print subscription to my county newspaper, which doesn’t deal much with political news other than the op-ed page.