
Tonight at Donald Trump's Rally in Nevada: "Light the Motherfcker on Fire!"

nines0912/15/2015 6:41:28 am PST

Neo Nazis and Red Necks and racists are not always on the other side of town. Some hold high positions. Some are cops, business leaders and judges. Some are open with their friends and others hide it. When you keep your mouth shut and express no opinion, sometimes they will think you are like minded and will show you who they are. Trump just gives them a figure to adore. Because all these things he says are true. It is because of….and we must…..and if I’m in charge….
It is the politics of fear and the mob of cowards. The voice that is only heard when they have numbers. They are the injured. Everyone else gets away with…..The problems are….Trump says the names and points the finger. Well, he’s got guts, and he’s an outsider, and nobody can buy him…He’s a figurehead for every GOP Tea Party inspired hatefest ever created by them. He IS the GOP. They built that stage he now stands on. They own him. And if I’m not mistaken, the GOP mouthpieces said they would support a Trump candidacy, so where is the difference in the GOP and Trump? None. That mob you see is the GOP weather you like it or not.