
James Taylor: "Jump Up Behind Me" (Live at the Beacon Theater)

Alephnaught8/19/2022 2:30:48 pm PDT

Interesting media find of the day- at least here in Scotland- and almost certainly a sample source which will reverberate through Scottish (and possibly wider) electronic music in years to come…

ScotRail, the (recently re-nationalised) main railway company of Scotland released the entirety of their electronic announcements audio in a huge audio file on their website.

Basically all the possible segments of possible announcements I’ve heard whilst taking a train in Scotland (eg station names, “We apologise for the delay, this is due to”, “a signal failure”, “a supermarket trolley on the track”, “an unexploded wartime bomb”) in a single longform audio file.

It’s already been split into individual files, and annotated.