
Scientific Review Shows 'Unambiguous' Evidence of Global Warming

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/04/2010 4:24:58 pm PST

re: #112 keloyd

For the record, I’m not one of them. I finally came around on AGW. The thrust of my question was what motivates their denial? Their own contradictory data? Local politics? Is NPR or Scientific American over-emphasizing a few Russian crackpots? Are their scientists working in underfunded colleges that have the heat turned off, so how much can you fear global warming if your office is 40 degrees?

I really don’t have the time to go through all the, shall we call them “misunderstandings,” of science you have posted and that I have corrected over the past several months. Note I am being very charitable calling your many posts misunderstandings rather than calling them more accurate things like, distortions, breathless smears and out and out lies or ignorance.

So really it is so very much less fun with deniers like you. I’ll never be as harsh on MKelly, because he is honest about his denial and he just clearly doesn’t get the science. You on the other hand, you deny that you are even a denier. Very not cool.