
Obama's Democratic Base Unhappy About Deal

researchok12/07/2010 12:53:54 pm PST

re: #117 Obdicut

You’re intentionally missing my point.

If I am missing your point, forgive me. Allow me the following.

We’re not paying for it. We’re going into debt for it. Saying that there’s a burden on those making above $250,000 because of the additional months of unemployment insurance (which I always first write as uninsurance employment) is not true. If this plan is adopted, they are not going to have any more of a burden than they do right now.

The burden is being passed on down the line. Maybe it will be people making above $250,000 paying it, in the future. Maybe not. We have no idea, because once again, we’re giving people tax cuts when we can’t afford to give people tax cuts.

My point is as follows: While we may not be paying for it outright, it is still a part of our national debt.

You’ve seen the debt clocks, I’m sure. While they represent each individuals burden, they do not represent who will carry and pay for that burden. As it stands, 48% of all Americans do not pay taxes at all. Thus, 52% will have to assume the entire national debt burden.

People making over 250k per year- 2% of income earners- earn 24% of all income. They pay 43.6 of all federal income taxes.

Those earning less than 250k- represent 28% of all citizens. That group- 98% of all taxpayers- forks over the other 56% of the taxes paid.