
Mississippi Catholic Bishops, Religious Leaders Denounce Personhood Bill

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/05/2011 7:30:17 pm PDT

re: #109 lawhawk

Well, it does have a good chance of passing, but that doesn’t mean it will become effective because court challenges will push the matter to the S.Ct.

Do you mean the USSC, or the Mississippi supreme court?

According to the proponents of the bill, they’ve found legal opinion that they say waives off some supposed problems:

Personhood USA Applauds Findings of New Report Detailing Legal Effects of Mississippi Personhood Amendment 26

In a new report titled “Personhood Amendment Will Not Change Legal Safeguards for Physicians Providing Necessary Treatment to Pregnant Patients,” the Mississippi Center for Public Policy analyzes the legal effects of enacting the Mississippi Personhood Amendment, Initiative 26. The analysis can be read at:

“The Mississippi Center for Public Policy has received many questions about the legal implications of Ballot Initiative 26 – The Personhood Amendment. One question that stands out is whether the amendment would subject medical professionals to prosecution for performing life-saving procedures, such as treating a woman for cancer or terminating an ectopic pregnancy,” writes co-author and Policy Analyst George S. Whitten, Jr., Esq.

“Personhood USA is pleased that an independent organization has taken the time to write this assessment and clear up any confusion,” said Personhood USA Legal Analyst Gualberto Garcia Jones, J.D.
