
Laughable Headline of the Day

yma o hyd5/28/2009 10:49:45 am PDT

For me, its quite clear that the continuous ‘Peace Process’ between israel and the rest of the Arab world is down to one thing only.
That is the Jew Hate which is not only prevalent in Arab countries, never mind the Palestinians, but also to a greater or lesser extent in the countries trying to get this peace deal done.

When the sri Lankans put paid to the Tamil Tigers, the usual howls of ‘war crimes’ etc were heard from the usual suspects - and the UNHRC had a session about it.

This is what happened:
Sri Lanka forces West to retreat over ‘war crimes’ with victory at UN

Put ‘Israel’ for ‘Sri Lanka’ - and does anybody here seriously think that the outcome would have been the same, if Israel had decimated Hamas in teh same way as Sri Lanka decimated the Tamil Tigers?

Thought not …