
Pamela Geller: I Have No Problem with Muslims, Except That 'Goodness Makes Them Ill'

researchok6/24/2010 2:14:55 pm PDT

re: #121 iceweasel

I don’t think it’s possible on their parts at this point. Even after all the shit they’ve said to me (which I can foirgive, possibly) and the shit they’ve said to Jimmah (which makes me angry), I updinged both of them yesterday when I thought they made good points. Why not? Life is short, dings are silly and they make make the recipient happy.
And so today I’m rewarded by being called a sociopath and worse by them.

So yeah, even if they apologised to me and to Jimmah (which they will not) they would revert. I’m sorry to say that, but it’s true. This has been the pattern over several months. Every time I’m nice to them, they start shit again.

And in any case, I’m really a proxy here for what they’re really mad about.

You know what? You may be right, you may be partly right and you may not be right! Who cares?

This forum is unique in many ways, not the least of which is why it is unique.

As a behaviorist, motives interest me and to me this forum is unique because if offers everyone the opportunity for redemption. What that means is in here, you can safely change your mind, ideas and opinions.

Many progressives can admit they can agree wholeheartedly with some conservative ideas. Conservatives can admit that can embrace some progressive ideas.

How many places online or off make that possible or safe?

I use the word redemption because when we open ourselves up- really open ourselves up- we become better people. Not because of the ideas we embrace but because we do not need to be beholden a particular ideology or group to know who we are. No one else can define us or speak for us. We become better at being ourselves, at who we are.

We redeem ourselves. Seriously.