
Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

SixDegrees8/08/2009 9:16:24 am PDT

re: #74 Walter L. Newton

Uh huh.

The freedom to say what one please implies a freedom to have it heard. Those hearing it are also free to reject it, ignore it or oppose it. But shouting down the speaker so their point of view is prevented from even being aired is repugnant and a gross violation of Constitutional rights.

Note that I’ve condemned the Left for years for employing similar tactics, for the very same reason. I can’t condone embargoing ideas from the marketplace. People need to have the freedom to buy them, or not. Slamming the door shut and preventing them from being heard at all is odious.

Note that it’s just as odious for the government to state that they will go forward and pass legislation without listening to what their constituents say. That doesn’t make it acceptable to up the ante and prevent them from presenting their side of the argument, although they certainly deserve to be called out for their own transgressions.