
GOP Rebranding Watch: S. Dakota Lawmaker Says It Should Be Legal to Deny Service to "Blacks"

Targetpractice3/17/2014 1:09:21 pm PDT

re: #126 Dr Lizardo

I lost my temper with one of those online 101st Chairborne Warriors spouting that nonsense, a dudebro; I laid into him with an absolute verbal barrage on how his conspiracist nonsense was pure bullshit, and then he tried the old moral equivalency, “Well, the US invaded Iraq” which was enough bullshit for me.

I just ended it by bluntly telling him he was an authoritarian bootlicker, a cringing lickspittle who would be all too happy to play toady for whatever tyrant suited his fancy, as long as he’d be allowed to sit at his Master’s knee and lick his hand like the dog that he was.

That shut him up.

It’s like I’ve said before, I have no difficulty looking at these dipshits and thinking they’d have absolutely loved Hitler. Here you have Putin basically playing by the same playbook, blaming the West for the loss of Russian power and prestige, moving ethnic Russians in Ukraine to give him an excuse to “protect” them, putting his own puppet in power to make the takeover that much easier, but now his useful idiots are arguing that he was “forced” to do this by the US overturning a “legitimate government.”