
Senior Editor for the Federalist Mollie Hemingway Says Arrest of Clock-Building 9th Grader "Looks Orchestrated"

Dr Lizardo9/16/2015 1:54:45 pm PDT

re: #86 EPR-radar

Another note for ‘moderate’ Republicans:

Incidents like this are what happens when bigotry and xenophobia are allowed to spread like kudzu throughout the party base. This time nobody was killed, but what about the next time?

Republicans that are still capable of reason (if any are left) have a duty to try to clean up their party before it is too late.

Like I noted downstairs, mass hysteria in the form of Islamophoba is even here in the Czech Republic.

The panic has also spread online. A hoax appeared on Facebook, claiming that Islamization has reached the Czech Republic.

Referring to the “reliable sources from the Education Ministry,” it said that Czech first graders would have to learn compulsorily Arabic numerals as of this year.

The seemingly innocent joke was widely misunderstood and provoked a stormy reaction. Some Internet users only hours later grasped that Europe has been using Arabic numerals for centuries, Právo writes.