
Seth Meyers: Kayleigh McEnany Shamelessly Claims Trump Didn't Have "Crisis After Crisis"

Nojay UK8/26/2021 11:51:38 am PDT

re: #110 Eclectic Cyborg

I mean, I’m not a doctor but I know that there is pretty much only one way that parasites leave a body. So if I’m taking a medication that is supposed to remove parasites I would expect certain…effects to happen.

I am not a veterinarian but… intestinal parasites have a problem, the intestinal structures they inhabit are designed to move material towards the exit-slash-gift shop of the organism they infest. The parasites want to stay where they are with their food supply coming to them hence their hooks and mouth parts and suckers and the like, allowing them to clamp on to the lining of the intestines and remain in place.

One way to deworm an animal or even a human is to take drugs that strip the intestinal lining tissues away from the muscular outer walls of the intestines, evacuating them in a normal-ish manner along with the attached parasites. The lining of the intestines will regenerate after a short time, the parasites are gone and all is well. If, however, the previously mentioned evacuation happens in the beauty products aisle of the local Walgreens then you can expect a “cleanup required” announcement on the store’s speaker system.