
Ban on Embryonic Stem-Cell Funding Ended

RogueOne9/09/2010 3:37:00 pm PDT

So the democrats mentioned in the story don’t have a problem with the ideal of a unitary executive when there’s a democrat in the seat. I wonder if they’ll feel the same when there’s a republican president again. The hypocrisy reeks. What the judge ruled was that the president doesn’t have the authority to change the rules set by the congress on a whim with just his signature, something they flipped over when Bush did the same.

With the case back in his court, Judge Lamberth ruled that the administration’s policy violated the clear language of the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, a law passed annually by Congress that bans federal financing for any “research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death.”

Here’s a weird suggestion, if the dems believe the law is mistaken then why not change the actual law and, you know, do their damn jobs.