
The Women Of The 'Stay At Home Daughters Movement'

Lidane12/08/2010 11:04:13 am PST

re: #11 marjoriemoon

I have members of my family who have chosen to be at-home moms, but they have equal partnerships with their husbands. Instead of having nannys raise their kids, they’re doing it themselves, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But this isn’t that.


I was raised by a stay-at-home mom who gave up a career in teaching when she and my dad started having kids. My best friend stopped working and has been a stay-at-home mom for many years now, but as the kids have gotten older, she’s gone and started pharmacy school, which will enable her to have a career again, but one with reasonably steady hours that still give her time to spend with her family. There is absolutely nothing wrong with or degrading about a woman making a voluntary decision to stay home and raise the kids.

I have a REAL problem with this garbage, though. It’s not voluntary. It’s brainwashing from the time a girl is young to accept what amounts to an abusive, damn near incestuous system where everything about a girl’s life is in the hands of her father, including her love and sexuality. That’s both creepy and wrong. And the whole concept of giving up education is unthinkable. I can’t imagine what kind of man would want a woman who’s been kept intentionally ignorant of the world.