
Birther Orly Taitz Loses Again

Reality Based Steve2/19/2013 11:09:33 am PST

I know there are some on the right who are convinced that Orly is actually a plant from the left put there in order to discredit the birther movement. Of course these are the same people who say that Neo-Nazis are actually Liberals, because they have the word “Socialists” in their organization name.

Personally I think she may well be a competent dentist (being nice now, since I have nothing to base it on), but if I were in court and she showed up as my attorney, I would figure I’d have a 50% chance of becoming the first man in history to be sentenced to death by summary firing squad due to a simple zoning ordinance violation.

Who like to think that Orly is the sprinkles on the right-wing banana split of derp