
A Good Piece at WaPo on the Relationship Between Michael Brown and Friend Dorian Johnson

palomino9/01/2014 4:46:35 pm PDT

re: #124 steve50

they transcribed the conversation of three people who are bystanders at the crime scene. One is telling the others what he saw. It is like minutes after the shooting.

As with so many defenders of all cops (and pseudo-cops like Zimmerman), you’re missing a much larger point. Something was seriously wrong just beneath the surface in Ferguson as far as cop-citizen relations. In a community where the cops and residents had some sort of trust (unlike Ferguson), huge protests wouldn’t have erupted, even after a questionable shooting occurred.

You’re focusing on minutiae as if the “one and only true” events of the day are actually discoverable. There’s no video, not much audio and conflicting eyewitness testimony. None of us will ever know for sure what happened.