
Inglis: The Ignored Conscience of an Increasingly Crackpot Party?

palomino8/09/2010 1:15:57 pm PDT

re: #31 Spare O’Lake

It is amazing to me that even in its current delapidated state the GOP is poised to win a midterm majority in the House and possibly also in the Senate.
Just imagine what they will do to Obama in 2012 if the economy remains weak and the GOP can come up with even a moderately charismatic candidate.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program…

Not really amazing at all. Look at the history of midterms. The out party nearly always wins 2 years after the prez election. Couple that with bad economy and this just ain’t the Dems’ year.

Dems have won two congressional elections in a row (06 and 08) by big margins. This makes the Dems “overweight” in congress, meaning they have seats in a lot of right-leaning districts and states. And NO party has won three times in a row since the Great Depression.

As for that moderately charismatic candidate, he/she also needs to be moderately sane. We haven’t seen signs of such a person emerging yet. But yes Obama might be vulnerable in 2012. Can this GOP capitalize on it?