
We Won't Have Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) to Kick Around Any More

Kragar5/29/2013 2:42:49 pm PDT

The next big battle for nut jobs”

Boy Scouts on Slippery Slope to Accepting Atheists

The slippery slope — from “morally straight” to homosexual to atheist Boy Scouts — is real. The Boy Scouts in the United Kingdom, who opened their tent flaps to homosexuals years ago, are now considering welcoming atheists as well.

The new “compromise” adopted by the BSA is an irrational and thus an unstable one. Whether through further administrative actions or a lawsuit, it is likely that the Boy Scouts will have “open and avowed homosexuals” as Scoutmasters and volunteers in the near future.

The atheists will not be far behind.

Peter Sprigg is senior fellow for Policy Studies at Family Research Council. This article was also co-authored by Chris Hill, chairman of the Lone Star District of the Circle Ten Council of the Boy Scouts of America and first appeared in USA Today.