
Nick Fury, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Issue #1 (June 1968)

Charmingly Persistent4/07/2014 7:42:31 am PDT

We saw Winter Soldier yesterday and enjoyed it a lot. Lots of Black Widow, which I was hoping for, but I was a little disappointed that they didn’t showcase what was so cool about her from The Avengers - her ability to interrogate people by getting inside their heads. She was awesome in all other respects though.

In some versions of the Marvel-verse she had a weaker version of the super-soldier serum. I wonder if that will turn out to be the case here. She certainly was able to recover from injuries remarkably fast and well - not that accuracy in such matters is de rigueur in action films!

I also thought the main reveal could have been a little bit more interesting.

The fact that SHIELD was almost entirely under the control of HYDRA made the choice to blow it up too easy, I thought. It would have been a more interesting decision if there were more of value in SHIELD to keep.