
Wednesday Night Acoustic Jam: Jon Gomm, Dance of the Last Rhino

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam11/05/2014 9:44:24 pm PST

re: #129 palomino

The Dems who ran away from the president weren’t doing so because of some vague threat of impeachment against him. They were doing so because Obama’s views on everything from same sex marriage to healthcare aren’t popular in blood red states like Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Georgia, etc.

Just look at the map. Rural America and the South are deep red. Urban America and the coasts are quite the opposite. Most Dems here in Cali weren’t running away from the president. But this is a blue state, so they don’t have to worry about guilt by association.

A Democrat in Kentucky does not necessarily share the same opinions as a Dem from NYC, for example. This has been a feature of the Democratic Party for decades, for better or worse.