
As the Darkness Lifts: Bruce Hornsby, "Country Doctor"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/07/2020 3:21:47 pm PST

I wish I were in a celebratory mood, but I am not.

Trump was always horrible, will be so till the day he dies.

But what was revealed in this election is that roughly half of your fellow Americans really would be fine with instituting a fascist leader.

In the name of Je$u$ for many of them.

So no, we are not in a good place.

Notice that the Dems lost House seats. It is possible though not likely that the Dems could pick up a Senate seat.

So no, I’m not jumping with joy.

What lay ahead for Biden is difficulty after difficulty. A government that has been plundered, a pandemic the end of which has yet to be put under control (and just wait until one of the vast number of mutations make reinfection more likely), a world community where right wing authoritarianism is ascendant….

Just call me Eeyore.