
John Oliver Digs Into Emergency Medical Services [VIDEO]

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/02/2021 12:22:07 pm PDT

re: #131 steve_davis

Not a Protestant. The mega churches were not part of the reformation. Think of it this way: Methodists, baptists, Episcopalians are all fine giving each other communion. I doubt mega church congregations even practice communion.

By that argument, no Protestant church is part of the Reformation except Lutherans.

Mega-church is somewhat of an imprecise term. Is St. Peter’s Basilica a mega-church?

Mega-church pastors part of the Evangelical tradition are absolutely Protestants. The Evangelical movement itself dates back to XVII Century England.

Anyway, it’s not for me to sort out the internecine fighting between different sects. “Christian” is good enough for me, since the principal requirement of any church is a belief in Christ.