
Rand Paul Defends BP Again

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/14/2010 1:07:14 pm PST

re: #122 Slumbering Behemoth

That’s probably when you shouldn’t. You are a very intelligent man, LVQ. I understand that this stuff makes you angry, it makes me angry too.

I just hate to see you fall into using demonizing rhetoric much the same way as those on the far right do. I think it’s far beneath of man of your obvious quality to do so.

Look at the link. These are actual neo-Nazis marching openly. Once someone is animal enough to be a Nazi, what can you say worse that demonizes them?

I understand the whole, free speech is great so long as you agree with people thing. I believe in the social contract - which is why I am not advocating just killing them. Just to repeat, I am not advocating that - though for certain they would advocate killing members of my family and myself.

Remember, these are actual real live zeig heil Nazi scum.

I am being honest about where the borders of what “free speech” I think is protected. There is such a thing as sedition. There are legal limits on free speech as it is. However, I don’t want this to become a specious legal diversion.

Those are Nazi scum wannabes. I am a Jew. I see them and my first natural thought is about what they would do to my family if they could - and my second thoughts turn to how much a better planet it would be if such monsters were removed.