
Overnight Hopen Thread

JCM1/21/2009 8:36:14 am PST

re: #1298 Occasional Reader

I had an interesting conversation with a lefty last evening. He was one of the ones screaming at the Bush inauguration motorcade in 2001 (although he said he, personally, did not throw eggs). When I mentioned my observation of zero evidence of any anti-Obama protest or general rudeness of any kind, he glowed with approval. He saw no contradiction. See, Obama is, you know, completely right and good, so… there should be no protest.

Leftists feel themselves perfectly justified when they act in ways that disrupt public order and the public good in order to attack their perceived opponents. Left and right can mirror-image on a lot of things, but this isn’t one of them. They feel very little sense of propriety. (On that note, see, also, Jay Nordlinger’s and Mark Steyn’s recent discussions of leftists shamelessly pushing their agenda at what should be utterly nonpolitical cultural events.)

That mug self righteousness what I find so very frightening.

They are right and good, all they do therefore is right and good. And thus is pathway to totalitarianism paved with good intentions.