
Video: The Story of Cap and Trade

citybilly12/05/2009 7:05:37 am PST

when i was calling BS on cap and trade a few years ago i was called a reactionary, a Rush Koolaid drinker ect by the Kos Kids. I agree with the points made about the scams that are possible in cap and trade but that does not make capitalism\ free market incapable of fixing the problem.
that’s the kind of all or nothing argument anti vaccers make about the flu vac.
“well its only 70%” effective there for its worthless. ect … Big econ models know how to handle error, fraud.
i do think the the only way to address GW is with the free market , i just don’t know if Cap and trade is the way to do it.

when terms like “Pay our ecological debt” get tossed around it makes me think this is more about western guilt. there was no alternative offered to cap and trade but it did outline some things on a possible solution must consider.
1. if it comes from the free market its a trick and therefore a distraction.
2. the united states should pay for it all, or the 3rd world part or else no one else will agree to it.

the way i see it, if we are serious about cutting CO2 we need to go on a massive Nuke power program and start shutting down coal power. its the only way we can make cheep clean energy. its the only way we can cut co2 in a real way and still not cripple our econ.