
A Chilling Performance by Regina Spektor on Prairie Home Companion: "The Trapper and the Furrier"

lawhawk2/13/2017 7:32:36 am PST

A further note about the source on the “spy revolt against the WH.” It’s courtesy of The Observer, which is a Kushner paper. This may be his way of trying to rid the admin of Flynn and accumulate more power for himself, even though he took lacks any character, judgment, or knowledge of national security matters.

Everywhere you look, you’ve got craven incompetents, unknowledgeable people, and Trump is busy giving them all access based on what how it benefits him personally. Everything he does is still tied to how he has profited (and continues to profit).

The GOP continues to look the other way. They own all of this. Never let them go a moment without reminding them that they’ve enabled the Kremlin to take over the WH without even a shot fired.